Divorce Financial Planning

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Duties and Responsibilities
 I take the financial chaos of separation and divorce and consolidate the data into a comprehensive analysis that provides recommendations, solutions, tax analysis, worksheets, affidavits, etc…
  • Written evaluation of the parties’ financial situation
  • Prepare the Statement of Financial Standing
  • Prepare Equitable Distribution Affidavit
  • Prepare child support worksheet
  • Prepare marital asset spreadsheet
  • Prepare written proposals for grossed up alimony, child support, and distribution of the marital estate
  • Evaluate the appropriate choice of assets
  • Prepare Document Request 
  • Perform tax calculations and tax reviews of both parties
  • Perform tax planning
  • Perform preliminary pension valuations (I am not a certified pension appraiser)
  • Perform preliminary business valuations (I am not a certified business appraiser)
  • Perform income rebuilding calculations (especially for cases where the financially supporting spouse is self employed or a small business owner)
  • Perform document review
  • Perform transaction tracing
  • Perform asset tracing
  • Develop budgeting projections 
  • Perform future financial projections (so a client does not outlive the financial settlement)
  • QDRO preparation
  • Perform tax preparation for individuals
  • Prepare calculations for “after tax” alimony buyouts
  • Prepare net present value calculations
  • Calculate property settlement note calculations

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Expert Witness
Institute for Certified Divorce Planners Round Table Group©
Financial Expert Witness
Mecklenburg County Collaborative Law Group
Financial Member
Certified Fraud Examiners
Associate Member

Annamarie Joseph, CFP®, CDFA™ | Divorce Financial Planning
7810 Ballantyne Commons Parkway | Suite 300 | Charlotte, NC 28277
Private Line: 704-846-8783 | Office: 704-319-2286 | Email: mail@divorcefinplan.com

© 2009 Divorce Financial Planning